Friday 16 March 2018

Leaders in Africa must be thought the meaning of Leadership

                                                     By Tawiah Evans

In today’s write up I want us to learn something important about leadership in Africa, the status quo and what it supposed to be.
Leadership in Africa these days has turned upside down which is, the leaders who are suppose to be the servant are now been served by the masses who give them the power to serve.
And the ignorant follower sees nothing wrong with this because they came to meet it this way. But the question is, is it alright? Must we follow and allow the status quo?
To understand this complex but simple relationship of the servant and the served, we need to go back to ancient Africa where the leader saw him or herself as a servant and the leaders also saw their position as that of a privilege one rather than a right.

The wellbeing of the followers was the wellbeing of the leader because he understood the real meaning of a leader and most importantly, he or she was always cautious of the source of their power and who made them who they are.

On the surface, nothing substantial seem to have changed from the way by which leaders are chosen. The only difference is what the modern day leader does with the power given them by the kin-makers as against what the ancient African leader will do with the mandate of the people.

The ancient people lived their live with true spiritual principles so when their leaders try to do anything different from what is expected of them, the followers will remind the leader of his spiritual responsibilities towards the masses and the implications awaiting them.

The spiritual system then was able to serve as a sort of check and balance on both the leaders and the followers as that was what they both subscribed to. For example, the king and his followers submit and declared their innocent with the same divinity.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TODAY AND THEN?  ….To be continue in part 2 leave your comment and share 

 The writer is a radio broadcaster, a freelance Journalist, a bloger a social-political activist
And the C.E.O of RADIO JAM GH online
You can contact him
Twitter @djfuadpe1 

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