Tuesday, 5 November 2019


The creation story in the holy Bible seem to have stood the test of time, with less suspicion even from people who don't believe in the bible or Christianity.

The bible has enjoyed a certain level of authority in the previous centuries especially, during the dark ages.

the authority of the Bible and it God was so great that, even scientists, needed the approval from the Christian leaders of the time before they could publish their scientific works.

For instance, a scientist who had discovered that the earth was spherical and not flat, was killed by the Christian religious leaders of the time.
Which led to some scientists going underground with their research which eventually let to the creation of the Freemasonry.

But those times and ages are past and gone with the ending age of the age of Pisces and the emergence of the age of Aquarius is beginning to change the narative and casting a sort of painful and a shocking doubt on the creation story of of the Bible.

As to whether it was a God who created man or rather man created God in his own image and likeness.

The idea that, it could be possible for man to create their own God to look like themselves  is gaining  ground for so many reasons from history to anthropology, science and all the other files of study are presenting a different world view to how we human beings came into existence.

Some proponents of the Man created God movement, argue that, if the Christian God did create this world and we human beings, he or she must and should continuously exert his or her control and power in this world as against man rather dictating the pace from time to time.

They further argue that if man did not create this God of the Bible, then it could be possible some energy or force rather powerful than what is presented to us in the Bible would be the creator we have all not seen before.

All religious bodies and faith based organisation claim to either know the truth or have the truth and even further warn that anyone who does not embrace their kind of truth, will perish or not have salvation especially Christianity and all most the books based religions.

Now, what then is truth? Truth can said to be that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. that been said, we can now start testing the foundation of the truth the biblical Gods proclaim to have or give to human kind.

Using the words, true, fact and reality, let's take creation activity that is claimed to be one of the works or the creation of the Bible God, like how God created man thus Adam and Eve.

According to the Bible, God created man, Adam from the dust of the earth and the woman, Eve from the ribs of Adam, the man.

Now let's measure God's creation procedure with reality, fact and truth, and if the creation story in the Holy Bible can stand on it feet.
Now, in our everyday life, as human beings and even animals, the only best way by which a human being can be created is through sex between a man and a woman and this is factual, and real.

each and everyday, new new people are being born or if you like created through sexual intercourse but not in a single instance has it ever happened that, a human being is born or created through the Biblical way of creating human beings. 

But rather, the means of creation ever know to mankind has stood the test of time and human beings are coming out with new ways of improving upon what we have by making it even better and more convenient.

Another principle by which the God of the Bible and the Quran is struggling to convince the 21st Century minds of his or her prove of creating mankind and this complex universe, is the concept of truth and  reality.

When we take the issue of truth per our definition above, truth is expected to follow a certain form of universality and consistency but it looks like the God of the Bible and the Quran has quite a work to do to convince mankind especially the 21st Century minds.

For example, 2+2 in Ghana is 4 the same is 4 in Nigeria and any part of the world but when it comes to the God of creation according to the Bible and the Quran, the universality and the consistency of this creator is not just lacking but seriously problematic. this lack of uniformity and consistency has created and resulted in many fights among nations and races.

What makes the lack of uniformity worrisome is the fact that this God of the Bible and the Quran want mankind to hear and know about who he or she is in order to follow him or her and eventually get to the proposed promise land, HEAVEN. But at the same time, the whole religious world has one of the most confused, contradictory and antagonistic message called holy books.

So the question then becomes, which creator of a system finds it difficult to put his simple message or instruction across his or her people? Especially which the eternal lives of humankind depends on this message which everyone of the religious groups have a different version they claim to be the truth.

Mean while, ordinary human beings are able to put out various forms of message in a unified nature with less confusion and when it comes to truth, Facebook is Facebook in Ghana and all over the world. there has never been an instance where a communication from Google is mistaken to have come from Mark Zuckerberg.
And even when it does, the confusion is rectified within the shortest possible time but same can not be said about Bible and the Quran God, and when you test this God by reality, it looks like this God is a different entity in the Bible and in the Quran and a totally different being in reality thus the real world.

This God would punish people for minor pardonable offences but looks unconcern in our real world and when you suspect this God must have changed, religious Christians will quot 

Numbers 23:19 "God is not human, that he should lie,

    not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
    Does he promise and not fulfill?"

But clearly, there are more serious crimes and offences that deeded to be attended to by this Good but we are told an appointed time has been set aside to take care all the problems of our world today.

But it looks like, while we wait, humankind is dictating the pace of how things should be run. In other words, God and the various religions in the world is now following what the world seem to be right or wrong instead of the world following the God who created the world.

So these are some of the the few reasons why it could be that man rather than God created this universe thus maybe in the beginning, Man created God in his own image and likeness and that is why every different people and their image of God looks like them except the African. 

With this and many other instances to come out, i think that the creation story of the Bible has a long way to go to convince the 21st century minds of his or her creation ability. in other words there must have been some other forces or power behind this creation rather than this one in the Bible. 

 Kindly send me your comments, contributions, agreement, disagreement via whatspp number +233247785986 Email: evans.tawiah1@gmail.com     

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