Wednesday, 30 October 2019


Story By Tawiah Evans

The question, why do you love me and the answer, I really don’t know why I love or, my love for you is unconditional, is one of the romantic question and answer section in an intimate or any form of relationship.

Many a times, we feel great and special when we hear that, another person’s love for us is unconditional or the relationship is based on nothing and hence many of us wish to find this kind of love or relationship called unconditional love.

But, what is unconditional love to start with? According the urban Dictionary, “Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations or love without conditions”

For the purpose of this write-up or episode, we will base or center our discussion of this subject of unconditional love on these two phrases: 1: Affection without limitations 2: Love without condition.

From the definition above, we can also deduce that unconditional love is also the kind of love which does not depend on anything, therefore, one can say my love for you depends on nothing. 

Different people responds to this statement differently, thus if you tell someone who has an intimate interest in you that, you don’t know why you love them or your love for them, depends on nothing, expect one of the following responds.

Responds 1: What do you mean, you don’t know why you love me? Or your love for me depends on nothing? Are you serious? This person may interpret love base on nothing or unconditional love as a relationship without commitment. And 99% of us want commitment in any form of relationship we are in or wanting to enter into and I call people with the first responds, realist.

Responds 2: Oh my God! He loves me unconditionally, Oh my God he or she does not want anything in return from me, this is the kind of love I have been looking for all my life! To the second respondent, unconditional love or love based on nothing is the highest sign of commitment. And I call these group of people the Romantic Utopians.

The subject matter of unconditional Love or what some religious sects refer to as the perfect Love or Agape Love has been fueled by the Christian concept of Jesus’ love for mankind and his father’s empathetic redemptive plan for humanity. But I am sorry to disagree that unconditional love does not exist and not even the God of the Bible nor the Quranic God or any God for that matter has ever practice this utopian kind of love.

Spiritually, Psychologically, Philosophically, Scientifically and deductively nothing can ever exist in isolation and nothing will ever exist without conditions everything depends on something and whatever love said to be shown towards Christians, Muslims, Hindus and the etc.
Unconditional love, feels and sound good to hear and to some extent, produce and discharge some intimate dopamine into our brain which makes us feel special and highly loved by whoever promising us this idealistic non-existing love.

I will not go into detail in this episode as this is just the introduction to this wonderful debate where you and I are going to agree to disagree with your comments and your emails.
So we are going to take just one instances where Christian in particular think and believe God demonstrated an unconditional love towards the people of Israel during the exodus.

Many Christian theologians have over the years interpreted the scripture to perfectly support the idea and the concept of Agape love or unconditional love for example, the people of Israel went into captivity in Egypt because they had sin against the God of Israel and God felt now is the time to rescue his people from Egypt.

Christians argue that, the love the God of Israel showed his people was unconditional because it was the people of Israel who sinned against God therefore, for God to come out of his own conviction to save them from slavery, is a kind of love which is based on nothing the people of Israel have done for their God. They further argue that, ordinarily, what the people of Israel deserved was to be left to die, in captivity because it is him the Lord they have sinned against.

Therefore, for someone whom you have offended to come to your rescue, unsolicited, when all you deserved was death, can only be described as affection based on nothing but unconditional love. And Christian conclude by saying this is the hardest form of love or sacrifice and that is why it is only the maker of the universe according to the bible who can practice this kind of love.

But I am still sorry and not convinced because, from genesis to Revelation, there is not a single act of love or kindness done by the God of the bible which did not benefit him or her in one way or the other. Because if you will begin to read the story of the Exodus, carefully, you will realize that this God did everything he did for his own glorification.

Remember and don’t forget that, God told Moses to go and engage pharaoh in many power display just to show the Egyptians and of course his own children of Israel how powerful he or she is. Mind you this God of the bible love conditionalities in his relationships with people than any human being you can think of on earth.

Evidentially, God has demonstrated on several occasions his thirst for conditions and how he demands his conditions be met all the time or one pays the price of defaulting, In many cases with their lives.

A typical example can be seen in the same Exodus story where he benevolently brought them out of Egypt only to kill almost 90% of the people who left Egypt just because the people of Israel could not fulfil their part of the conditions for redemption which is obedient to him, God.

A God who could killed someone in Joshua Chapter 7 for taking a part of something which belong to him, the Lord and because of one person’s sin, God killed thousands of the children of Israel. I can give so many examples of instances where God killed his own people because of conditionalities.
I am not showing these example because I am against God punishing wrong doers but, I am rather showing how every single relationship this God had with his people, are conditionally based and dependent on something. Let’s look at some few examples from the beginning of creation according to the bible: Starting from the very heavens, all the angles were instructed to uphold God’s supremacy which I have no problems with but, I want you to know that, every action or relationship this God of the Bible has ever had with his people are all conditional.

In the garden of Aden: God gave the strictest condition to Adam and Eve, stay away from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or die tell me how this is unconditional instance and if the God who created you in his own image and likeness cannot do without conditions and limitations, how much more you the creature I rest my case until the next episode where I will deal with unconditional love in our own human intimate or romantic relationships. There will also be a video version on my YouTube channel @DJ FUAD

Kindly send me your comments, contributions, agreement, disagreement via whatspp number +233247785986 Email:  

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