Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Do you know your internal organs maybe be older than your age - Wellness Consultant, Cola Braimah

                                                       By Isaac Asare (Psyche)

The upcoming African Cultural and Wellness festival promises a lot of excitement: both Africans here and ones returning from the Diaspora can expect everything, from African martial arts to proper and natural skin care habits.

Today, 5th January 2019, on the Good Morning Africa show on XLive Africa, with host Kwabena Bibini Tawiah, it was revealed that there will also be a full internal organs examination for all interested attendants.
 This was revealed by the guest, Kola Braimah, a Wholistic wellness consultant and Iridologist , who believes that the internal age of so many people are widely ahead of their actual age because of poor food choices. “Your metabolic age is your lifestyle".

Mr. Braimah who once weighed around 110 kilo's but is now around an 80, and also has been cured of all the sicknesses and pains that used to be present in his body,  believes that one's profession of Veganism, atleast wholistic veganism, must and will reflect in their health, both internally and externally. The idea behind the examination that will take place at the African Cultural and Wellness Festival therefore is proactive and preventive because it will help especially non-vegans and non-vegeterians to realize what their food choices are doing to their bodies, and so find a way to immediately reverse the situation.

Even “beans and tatale" is vegan food, he commented. There are meat substitutes and diary substitutes among other things we are used to, that are plant based and also delicious, so veganism is not as scary as it is made out to be.
The Host Kwabena Bibini Tawiah confirmed this with an experience of going with a friend to eat at a vegan restaurant in Accra, only for the friend to afterwards mention their amazement at the fact that the vegan food was equally as delicious as what we are used to- the friend never associated "tasty" to veganism before then.

Veganism is healthy, and also not expensive as people are led to believe. Meat is the most expensive component of almost every food so take that out and you are actually saving money, Mr. Braimah shared.

The Host jokingly asked about how he reacts to the reaction of most food vendors, especially when they perceive you as a "big man"  but then you buy your food without meat or fish , and to that he replied, " When you become conscious of what it does for you, you are not bothered by what people say".

Mr Braimah however advices vegans and upcoming vegans to build the habit of preparing their own vegan foods at home because in that way they can properly select the healthiest combination of foods they want : when we take the right approach, veganism will keep our metabolic ages younger or the same as our actual ages.

By Isaac Asare (Psyche)

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