Friday, 1 February 2019

"Black is actually a main stream culture"- Penny Prempeh

                                                            By Isaac Asare (Psyche)                                                    

The 21st century has seen black women wearing weaves, relaxing and conditioning their hair, and so on.
There has long being a debate on whether practises as these are necessary, and also helpful to the image of the black woman. Is it just fashion or do these actions feed into a supposed mainstream portrayal of white women being the ideal women ?

Penny Prempeh , the founder and manager of House of Prempeh, a company dedicated to health and wellness, begs to differ. Madam Penny believes that " black is actually main stream culture ", and that white women in the mainstream media have for a long while now been trying to copy black women. She made examples of the Kardashian women who have had breast and butt implants, among other modifications to their looks, just so they can appear more like the black woman. They even try to braid their hair.

 She explained that we idolize these kind of women in the mainstream but actually their idols are black people ; maybe even some black friends they grew up with, she pointed out. This opinion of hers was declared on the Diaspora dialogue on XLive Africa, with Host Kwabena Bibini Tawiah, on the 30th of January 2019, today.

Most of the chemicals and even glues used in relaxing the hair can cause fungal infections, hair loss, and even cancer. Everything we put on our body and also on our hair is able to enter our body through the pores. She mentioned that there are lots of benefits with going natural but that , " It's difficult because the image portrayed is that if your hair is long and silky  it is easier to manage".

Madam Penny believes that through education and empowerment, young African women can begin to be proud and confident of their most enviable Afro hair. Parents and other elders must begin to compliment and tell the young ones how good they look when they are rocking their natural hair. Black women can even do more with their hair , she says.

In the UK , whiles in college, Madam Penny began to produce shea butter and the likes for sale, in a modernly consumable way, because friends would always ask her what she uses on her hair . It was in high school that for a short while she tried out the artificial look , which she realised is not all that it's hyped up to be.

In the upcoming African Cultural And Wellness Festival, Madam Penny will talk about everything from food and natural looks , to Kinetic Yoga.

She believes that the proud black woman is slowly coming back.

By Isaac Asare (Psyche)

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