Tuesday 20 March 2018


                                                                By Tawiah Evans

For the first time the history of the fourth Republic of Ghana, the two main political parties, NPP and NDC has come to a progressive agreement to do something beneficial to the ordinary Ghanaian.
From the 1992 Constitution itself to the parliament of Ghana and governance in general, almost everything these two political parties agrementes on is inimical to the interest and the wellbeing of the ordinary Ghanaian. From Ex-gratia to Car loans to rent aloans to non-payment of taxes and may other benefits that goes to elected and appointed leaders in Ghana are all bad deals for the voter in Ghana.
But this new bill The Ghana Integrity act 2018, is historic and one that, if well implemented can benefit majority of the citizenry. This bill awaiting a presidential assent was initiated by Hon. Osei Kyie Mensah Bonsu and his counter part Hon. Alban Bagbin in Parliament early this year.
The introduction of the motion reads:|” Mr. speaker, on behalf of myself and the entire majority members in Parliament and on behalf of Hon. Alban Bagbin and the entire opposition in parliament and in the spirit of  true Democracy,  want to do something historic by submitting a bill to this honorable house to practically purge our names as the representatives of our people a title we have been holding on to for the past decades without working for it.

Mr. Speaker the parliament of Ghana, and the various government under both NDC and NPP year in year out, have been lying to ourselves especially to the people we claim to represent. So this house unanimously lay before this house The Ghana Integrity Act 2018 for debate, consideration and acceptance into law in order to save our country from the impending dome ahead of us.

Mr. speaker, the first thing we would want this bill when passed into law do for us is to ban any elected or appointed leader in Ghana from traveling outside the continent of Africa yes you heard me, we have carefully come to this conclusion because the people we represent in the constituencies are tired of spending on our travels without getting anything meaning full from our travels to the most developed countries in the world.
And their main reason for this request is that through the internet and foreign media, they see the sanitation situations in those countries we travel to. But they don’t see us learning and bringing same back here.
Mr. speaker, after the June 3rd disaster, our country, there was a $5000.00 USD bet in Canada claiming there will be a repeated floods around Kwame Nkrumah Circle and we don’t need to find out whether this gambler won or not because there another floods in June 2016 in Circle.

But Mr. speaker I would want to ask if there is any part of the world we elected and anointed members of both Opposition party and majority have not been to or is it that when we go we don’t see the beautiful sanitations in those countries? Mr. Speaker these are neither my words nor that of my fellow MPs here rather these are the question from the constituencies the very people who pay for our trips out side of Africa.

To this end Mr. speaker, this new law seek to allow all elected and appointed members of parliament to travel only to African countries and even that with a two years  probation to start coping and implementing the best practices we see in this African countries and Rwanda is given as a case study for all appointed and elected in Ghana.
Apart from sanitation, leaders in Ghana must also learn from Rwanda the decentralization systems their citizens are enjoying through the use of online application systems. For example how easy it is to register a company within two days in Rwanda as against two months to register a company in Ghana the GATE WAY TO AFRICA.”

Dear reader am sorry this is not coming from our parliament rather, this coming from my futuristic imaginative mind as I wish pray these will be the things the people of Ghana especially the youths will be asking our elected and appointed leaders to do especially day the where Ghanaians will ask for the constitution to be amended if not changed.
Thank you very much for reading and don’t be selfish by sharing this to your friends and loved ones.

The writer is a radio broadcaster, a freelance Journalist, a bloger a social-political activist
And the C.E.O of RADIO JAM GH online
You can contact him @evans.tawiah1@gmail.com
Twitter @djfuadpe1

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