Sunday, 2 February 2020


                                    By Tawiah Evans

                                            LAWYER BAFFOE-BONNIE

Social media platform, FACEBOOK, has really changed the way we live our lives these days facebook has also increased human interaction virtually. On the other hand, social media can also kill real human interactions if not used properly.

But that is not what I am are going to talk about day, today, I am going to talk about how to identify our individual passions purpose, talents and how to be useful to the people around you and the universe as a whole. So if you are a Ghanaian on facebook, and you don't know one Lawyer Bafffeo-Bonnie, look for him and start following him because, he is going to be our case study for this write up and the video. 

If you are not a Ghanaian this is a universal knowledge and you are most welcome to learn with me. I don't know when you first joined facebook but, for your information, facebook was launched on February 4th 2004, and I joined facebook in the year 2009 thus five years after it's launch.

From the early days of facebook, many of it's users were in a rush to get friends, and majority were those who were impatient to have their first chat or any form of interaction with someone on facebook and sometimes I wish Lawyer Baffeo-Bonnie had started his live video sharing then but, unfortunately, facebook itself had not introduce many of it current features like LIVE videos, News-feed and others.

From time to time, or through out our life-time,every human being,  will and must be identified with something and most a times, the things we are identified with are those things we are passionate about and therefore, we love doing these things to the extent that some of us, cannot do a 24 hour without doing something about our passion.

And I think one of Lawyer Baffeo-Bonnie's passions in life is sharing educative and informative videos or programs to his friends and contacts on social media especially Facebook.

The Buddha once said, "Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it" 

But sadly in our world today, majority of us have not even asked ourselves the question, what is my purpose in live? not to talk of knowing our purpose and perusing it and that is why we have just about one percent of the world population who are contributing significantly to change the world for the 99% of the 7 billion population of the world.

Life purpose is also know as life calling so, we mostly ask: what is your calling in life? but the unfortunate thing about this term in Ghana and most parts of Africa and the Black-world is, the term life-calling has been taken over by religion so mostly, when you hear people talking about calling, it is obvious they are talking about a call to the pulpit. 

Each one of us has a special gift, talent, passion and a calling and everyone's is different from the other and that is where the problem lies. our educational systems especially in Ghana and Africa has painted the picture of one side fit for all philosophy where we are thought to always follow what someone have done and succeeded instead of finding what is special about ourselves.

And that is why the student who try to refined or write something different from what the teacher has thought get marked down. Because, he trying to introduce a new thing which the teacher do not only think it is wrong but can also make that student fail in life.

Because to the best of the Teacher's knowledge, the new thing the student is bringing out has not to been done before or better still, it is not tested so, always in our educational institutions student who always follow Miss Jefferson are said to be the best students and those who are bold enough to remove Miss Jefferson out of the equation and solve the question for themselves turn out to find out something new.
Which is, they always realize that, they have been thought to follow when Misled and these are the few students who are most likely to bring something new to the world.

At this time I will want you my readers and  audience to forgive me for digressing but, at the same time, I will love if you will give me another few minutes to address some important issues before I go to why I admire Lawyr Baffoe-Bonnie and his way of sharing educative programs on facebook.

Knowing one's passion, talent or calling and following it can lead to you creating a career and a special recognition for ourselves and in this days of social medial quest for supremacy and recognition, it is very imperative for everyone to find and identify our passions and our natural gifts pursue them and make something meaningful out of it.
This days, you dont need a rocket scientist to know how social media has move some people from zero to hero in terms of recognition and financial break through but, what most of us see is their current status and refuse to find out the repetitive actions they took the insult they got the almost depression they nearly had we think they are where they are simply because social media made it possible.

No no!! it is not that simple because if it is that simple, everyone would have made it to the top in life. but the truth is, it takes a lot of repetition of something you are passionate about and even that, only a few are able to achieve it because they were able to identify a special love for what they do.

So I knew Lawer Baffoe-Bonnie to be a flamboyant facebooker but little did I know he has the patience to share about 100 to 150 videos to people on his friend list everyday.

Something facebook themselves will charge you some few dollars before letting these amount of people see your video so, initially, when I started receiving videos from Lawyer Baffoe-Bonnie, I was getting a bit worried because sometimes he can even send my own live videos to remind me that I am LIVE LOL!

Folks: that is how serious and passionate Lawyer Baffoe-Bonnie is when it comes to making sure people he cares about get the most educative and informative shows on facebook. and to confess, it was even getting a bit irritating to have my own videos sent back to me as an alert.

But, upon a second thought, I changed from getting worried about him to admiring his passion, dedication and consistency in what he has taken upon himself to do respective of the back-clash and folks, if you have been wondering just like me as to what motivate Lawyer Baffoe-Bonnie to always share important shows to alert us, I want to tell you this is what we call passion!

Folks, many of us want to stand out, we want to be recognized, some of us want following, we want to have a special story to tell one day but my question is do you have a passion?, do you know your passion or are you trying to identify your passion?

in other words, what drives you? do you have anything that drives you to be consistent? do you have that urge which does not know sickness? and ladies and gentlemen, this is the shocker: do you have anything in your life that you can do for free for a longer period of time? 

And I will want to emphasis on the ability to offer free service over a certain period of time because this is what has stood between a lot of people and their break through 
This is what has stood between many of us and our global recognition
Lack of passion to offer free service has blocked a lot of people from reaching their full potential in life and sweet heart, there is only one way do this, you need a passion which will help you identify a purpose and this purpose will be fueled by the passion which is the burning desire to want to achieve something. 


Well I chose him for a number of reasons: First I am using L.B.B (Lawyer Baffoe-Bonnie) as an example of how passion and purpose works, secondly, I am doing this write up and video to show my appreciate to what L.B.B is doing to support enlightenment and and the need to spread educative information because maybe he himself does not know that facebook charges people if you want your post or video to reach a certain number of people.

Also, L.B.B needs to be acknowledged for what he is doing just like many others who shares videos like Maame Ampaafo and many others who will get their space on my blog at the right time.

I am doing this write up to let people know that Lawyer Baffoe-Bonnie is risking his facebook life by shearing these informative videos to us in that number and frequency the truth is, what L.B.B is doing can land him in facebook prison and those of you who are a little observant will realized that his other account has been blocked which should have been a reason enough to let him stop shearing live videos but two things keeps him going thus passion and purpose.

What is the purpose? according to Lawyer Baffoe-Bonnie, he personally have love for enlightening message especially conscious ones but he does not have the flair to do the talking as the others do everyday on social media therefore, it gives him joy to also  contribute his quota to spread the message.

some of you may think shearing of LIVE videos is simple and a normal thing to do but, until you professionally learn social media management, you can't appreciate what L.B.B is doing for his people. 

As I have already told you, he can be insulted or reported for invading people's privacy not forgetting the time involved for sending video links to over a hundred people.

Before I started this article, I had to contact Lawyer to find out how he does his things and I was amazed to find out that in as much as he wishes everyone get to hear the information he gets on a daily basis, L.B.B is so liberal in his approach of information shearing.

In other words, he does not force videos on people if they don't like it and this attitude is very important in all aspect of life especially those of us who have identified our passion and life purpose because the tendency to think that you have found a certain truth and therefore, everyone must hear it by force is very easy.

So folks, this should be a great Lesson to to all of us especially the awakening ones because it takes a certain level of passion and purpose to come live on facebook or any social media platform to teach and educate our people but when that passion begins to fuel your purpose, if you don't learn how to be a bit liberal in your approach, you will end up actually driving away the very people you intern to educate.

Now another lesson to the awakening ones: passion is good everyone needs it, in-fact, without passion you will give up whatever purpose you have put ahead of you in life because, as I said before, you will have to do what you are doing for free for a period of time.

And without passion and a definite purpose, you will give up so passion is important in our life as lovers of awakening but! if you don't learn how to balance your passion with compassion and empathy, you will end up creating more unnecessary enemies for yourself.

So what did I learn from my conversation with Lawyer Baffoe-Bonnie, in his own words, he said, " when I send videos to someone and they let me know that they don't like these videos or topics, I don't send it to them again because I respect their right and privacy"

 Research has shown that, anytime an idea comes to your mind, it could happen that, the same idea is in the minds of 5 other people and if the above statement is anything to write home about, I believe I am not the only person who have been thinking about Lawyer Baffoe-Bonnie's video shearing ability.

But the question is, what comes to mind, whenever you see L.B.B's video notification in your inbox? do you get irritated? do you get angry and insult him, I know different people get different reactions when they receive his videos.

But as a typical Sagittarius, I only see the good side of issues and that is my secret for getting over issues very easily because life is like a two sided coin it has negative and positive and I always try my best to look at the positive side of everything that comes my way.
So instead of getting angry, worried and irritated about Lawyer Baffoe-Bonnie's videos, I thought of the passion and the purpose behind what he does and why he does it and I believe you have also learnt a thing or two from what Lawyer Baffoe does on facebook as a Ghanaian.

And I know you have heard that we human-beings do not die and that we live forever, well that is scientifically and philosophically correct but, the caveat is, not all of us will live forever philosophically. Because, when that day comes and you give up your physical body, it is the remembrance the living gives you which determines whether you truly live or you just came and made a U-TURN on earth.

And at the end of the day, it is some of these little thing like what Lawyer Bonnie is doing which will make all of us his lovers and haters remember and talk about him till infinity.

So my final question to you is what is your passion? what can you do for free? what are you willing to do even if you are been insulted? and are you ready to stand out like Lawyer Baffoe-Bonnie?

 If your answer is YES! then start asking yourself the following questions: What angers me and can make me happy?
What can I do for free without any for of payment?
What do I do with ease without anyone teaching me?
What is that I unconsciously do within every 24 hours?
What gives me fulfillment in my life?
And what does success mean to me?

Answers to the above questions is the beginning of finding our life purpose, talent and passion.

On this note, I will want to dedicate this article and the video not only to Lawyer Baffoe-Bonnie but also to everyone who has taken a time out of their busy schedules to come live on favebook to educate people in one way or the other. Especially the Ghanaian and the African community on social media thank you very much for reading and watching the video.

you can send me an E-mail@ or whatsapp on +233 247785986
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Tawiah Evans is a professional broadcaster, a socio-political activist as the convener for the coalition for Ghana's Independence Now the writer have also been blogging since 2011 and a member of blogging Ghana.



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