Friday, 30 March 2018

US Military base in Ghana Where is the Christian Council of Churches?

                                           By Tawiah Evans

The Christian Council of Churches has kept quite since this US Ghana military saga started; it looks like they have all traveled to a different planet.
But people like us are not surprise in any way or form, the Christian Council has so many reasons why they have to remain silent.

The following can be some of the reasons why they are not talking: warning government to throw away this useless agreement will be a waste of time because should anything disastrous happen to Ghana from this sell out agreement, it affirms the Christian belief that the end of the world is near and so is the second coming of Christ.

This whole sellout is happening in the first place because of the half mentally alive zombie Ghanaian youth.

Because if the youth are politically awake and can live above the NPP,NDC blindness and stupidity, the 1992 constitution would have been changed by now to a more democratic constitution where every single decision of national interest will be practically decided by the ordinary people before the executive and parliament could work on it.

But the Churches in Ghana and the world are implicitly and to some large extent explicit in making the minds of the people week and blind to fight for the interest of the country.

To be fair to my Christian brothers and sisters, not all Christians are happy about what is going in our dear nation in fact almost 90% of Christians think this is a bad deal for Ghana, but almost 99% of them believe that, Ghana is a Christian nation and that Christ’s army is stronger than the US army so there should be no fears but many European countries will tell you their experience when it comes to reliance on Jesus in terms of military maters the first and second world war is a great example.

Jesus is one of the indifferent interventionist when people rely on him there are so many evidence in the bible and in our physical life times.
What role can the Christian Council play to save Ghana? Well, the Churches have control over the masses than any group of people not even the political parties.

The members of the Churches respect and obey their pastor and leaders than they would to a politician but there is a subliminal relationship between the Church and the political parties which is also like a contract of a sort where the mental training and upbringing of the citizens is done by the Churches these people are told not to have interest in political issues because they are said to be of the world.

Now let take some inspiration from Osaagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah who warned all African in his book, Consciencesim, the great African warned that, until the African way of life supersede the Euro-Christian and Arab-Islamic way of life Africans will go nowhere.

Finally, because of how Christianity was painted and presented to we Africans, majority of Christians find it difficult to accept that any people who like their savior Jesus Christ can be evil in other words, many Christians find it difficult to accept that the white man can do evil.

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The writer is a radio broadcaster, a freelance Journalist, a bloger a social-political activist

And the C.E.O of RADIO JAM GH online
You can contact him
Twitter @djfuadpe1


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